Friday, November 1, 2013

Soapboxing !

Ah, the days are getting cooler and the days are shorter. What a special time to light candles in our homes. They brighten a dull day and add that right touch to all our holiday gatherings.  I LOVE candlelight.  But, only from odorless candles. Because of my asthma and allergies scented candles ( also those things that plug into the wall or hang from car mirrors ) can actually cause headaches and illness that can last for weeks. 

Now, I am just not speaking for myself.  Several friends have asked me about how to handle this so real issue when they are invited to parties and homes for meals. There are many who suffer from intolerance to scented products and have allergies and asthma that is triggered by such.

Visiting in other homes, fellowshipping with the saints is such a joy.   Do not deny yourself this blessing. Ask your hostess  if she plans to use scented candles and explain that you are very sensitive to them.  You could even invest in several unscented pillar candles and offer to bring one as a hostess gift.  This is your health we are talking about. Do not feel shy. Those that love you will understand .

May God bless you all !!

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